The Many Benefits Of A Daily Routine

What do your days look like? 

Are they spontaneous, where you squeeze things in as they come up and constantly reprioritize? We’ve been there, and it’s left us feeling stressed and anxious. When you’re juggling day-to-day life without a plan, it’s easy to put things off that improve your mental health. 

If you don’t prioritize your morning stretching or gym routine because you wake up an hour later than normal, you’re forced into choosing one of the following options. 

  • Skipping moving your body, because you don’t have the time
  • Fitting a workout in after work, and deprioritizing other plans

When you follow a daily routine (at least Monday through Friday) you don’t encounter those tough decisions, at least as often. It can be difficult to make a maintainable daily routine a habit, but once you do, you’ll experience many benefits – especially in your mental health.

Here are a few of the awesome benefits a daily routine can provide, and why you should plan one today and begin tomorrow!

A routine will make you feel accomplished

Do you ever go to bed and forget about what you did all day? Say goodbye to “wasted days” and hello to feeling accomplished and productive while reflecting. 

A routine allows you to prioritize items and tasks that are important to you and your life – sticking to a daily routine ensures you complete what you need to, and you’ll feel good about it. Never doubt your output again – you’re crushing it.

A routine will help you achieve your goals

Develop a routine that aligns with your goals. If you want to run a mile every day to prepare for a 5k you have in three months, make it a priority by ensuring it is a part of your daily routine. 

Success is found and goals are hit when you put in time and repetition. A daily routine comes in handy here, as it pushes you to take the steps you need to achieve your ultimate goal.

A routine makes you feel in control 

Feeling in control of your life reduces stress and anxiety, which ultimately leads to better sleep, health, and overall well being.

You deserve to feel in control of your own life. There are so many factors that we cannot control – the people and environment around us, the weather, traffic – but we can control our daily routine. 

If you don’t have a routine as of now, we would recommend doing some research to see what would work best for you. It’s important to build a realistic and manageable daily schedule, as you never want to feel discouraged that you aren’t hitting your goals. 

You got this! We know that it can be difficult to make a maintainable daily routine a habit, but once you do, you’ll experience all of the benefits it has to offer.