Get Over Your Fear Of Working Out (A.K.A. Fowo)

Sometimes it can be difficult to work up the courage to work out.

Whether you’re contemplating going on a run, heading to the gym, or just doing some squats at home, not being “good” at something can make us feel defeated – it’s in our nature.

Have you ever told yourself that you want to lose weight or get in shape before beginning your gym routine? We know, it seems ironic, since the gym is the place to improve your fitness – but if you’re someone who struggles with a fear of working out, you know exactly what we mean.

Many of us have felt intimidated or afraid to begin our fitness journey. Here’s why, and some tips to get through the negative thoughts and onto a healthier future.

You don’t enjoy working out

We are not conditioned to do things we hate! So, if you’ve only ever despised working out, why would you suddenly begin enjoying it?

If this sounds like you, it’s time to try something new. Enjoy dancing? Try zumba. Does your local community center offer any beginner classes? Try one for a day, and see what you think. There’s no “rule” when it comes to finding what works best for you, what you enjoy, and what you’ll maintain. So try yoga, pilates, kickboxing, or going on runs, and find your thing!

You go too hard, and never go back

Picture this: you hype yourself up after seeing a before and after photo on Instagram. So, you dig out your Nike’s (that you haven’t worn in a year) and head to the gym. You give it your all, and you feel great! But, the sore muscles kick in over the next couple of days, and you decide to “take some time off”…

Does this sound familiar? We’ve ALL been there, and it’s hard to get through. But, it’s actually quite simple. Start slow!

You don’t have to crush it your first time back – you just need to move your body by starting out with less-intense workouts. Otherwise, the results will leave you feeling discouraged, when you should be so proud of yourself for taking that step! 

You lack accountability

If you’re someone who needs an extra push to get yourself to the gym, park, or wherever you decide to workout, you are one of many! It’s so easy to get into the habit of coming home from work, eating dinner, and watching Netflix, that it can become incredibly difficult to change your routine.

This has happened to all of us. You know why? Because life is tiring! 

We work hard every day, so pushing yourself to work even harder seems almost impossible. But with the right accountability system, it’s not only possible, but enjoyable! Find a friend or invest in a class or personal trainer to help hold you accountable and hit your goals. It might be an investment right now, but it’s so worth it in the long run. 

A healthy future is in reach, trust us!

Do some research, make some changes, and get over your fear of working out (FOWO) in the blink of an eye. Don’t feel defeated, feel empowered. 

Reading this article is a good first step – it’s time to take control of your life, your habits, and your happiness.