Vitamin D – The Reason We Could All Use Some More Sunshine

Vitamin D is no joke.

There’s a well-known saying about everything being okay in moderation, but from a young age, we are warned about the negative impacts that sun exposure has on our body and overall well being. At diet & health, we wanted to find out if sun exposure is truly okay in moderation, and what that actually looks like in our daily lives.

We were shocked to find out that sun exposure isn’t just okay in moderation, but has many positive health outcomes – thanks to our friend, vitamin D.

What do you actually know about vitamin D?

You might be surprised to find out that this super vitamin has a huge impact on our well being:

  • People with higher levels of vitamin D have a lower risk of disease 
  • Vitamin D is directly linked to your bones, blood cells, and immune system
  • Vitamin D is connected to your eyesight, sleep, weight loss, and overall emotional wellbeing

You get vitamin D from sunshine, which is both essential to our health, and dangerous in excess. So, how much sun exposure is the right amount to get all of the benefits that vitamin D can provide us with?

This answer is different for everyone, and we’d definitely recommend talking to your doctor to determine what’s right for you. There are many factors, including skin tone, age, health history, diet, and where you live that contribute to how sun exposure impacts your body.

As a rule of thumb, 5 to 15 minutes (all the way up to 30 if you’re dark-skinned) is about right to get the most out of a sunny day without causing any health problems. Remember, you can always stay out longer and get the same effect if you use sunscreen.

It’s time to get into the sun

And reap all of the benefits that vitamin D has to offer:

  • Go for a quick walk with your dog, friend, or by yourself with some headphones in
  • Eat a meal outside, and take your surroundings in
  • Go to an outdoor mall and window shop

It’s simple to get some more vitamin D in your life, and with so much to offer, we think it’s worth the small daily investment. 

Don’t forget to wear sunscreen, and make sure to stay hydrated. Happy sunshine-ing!